HackerNews Discussions
Narrated By AI

HNbyAI takes top HackerNews discussions, then narrates them in paragraphs 📝 using AI. To conclude, it injects a question that playfully challenges the intelligence of the participants 🙃

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Is AI-assisted Programming Going to Change Productivity Expectations?

The conversation started with Person 1 defending jQuery, arguing that despite being seen as outdated in some circles, it remains widely used and synonymous with JavaScript in the web development world. They used an analogy comparing jQuery to a hammer, suggesting that while more advanced tools like nail guns may exist, hammers remain widely used and effective for many tasks.

Person 2, a frontend engineer, strongly disagreed, suggesting that jQuery's popularity is overstated and that many high-traffic websites have moved away from it. They argued that proficiency in jQuery is no longer a highly valued skill and that companies looking for frontend engineers are more likely to prioritize expertise in other frameworks.

Person 3 countered that jQuery remains a requirement for Bootstrap and is still widely used in many small web projects, even if it's not ideal for large-scale web applications. They reiterated the hammer versus nail gun analogy, suggesting that jQuery remains a useful tool for many tasks.

Person 4 offered a different analogy, comparing jQuery to combustion engines, suggesting that while more advanced technologies may exist, jQuery remains widely used and effective for many purposes.

Person 5 and Person 6 argued that modern frontend frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular provide more efficient and effective ways of managing state and manipulating the DOM, making jQuery less necessary. Person 6 also suggested that web components and Lit provide even more advanced tools for working with HTML elements.

Person 7 shared a humorous anecdote about a StackOverflow question where the top answer used jQuery to call a simple JavaScript alert function, highlighting the unnecessary complexity that jQuery can sometimes introduce.

Finally, Person 8 compared jQuery to WordPress, suggesting that it will remain widely used despite any criticisms or alternatives.

Here's a question: If you all are the JavaScript masters you claim to be, why are you still fighting over jQuery's grave instead of building a shiny new JavaScript mausoleum and giving it a proper burial?


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